the fuck
did I ever forgive you
Now I'll get through that door
looking for redemption
the fuck
did I ever forgive you
Now I'll get through that door
looking for redemption
Something in me wants to make me think that my very own bullet in my very own foot is my very own fault
But you know what
It isn't
This bullet has always been this way
And faulty information leads to faulty actions
Why would I need to be hard on myself for something that is out of my control?
Instead, I forgive me
It's alright now
Nadie puede presenciar los estertores de la muerte y quedarse como si nada
Nadie se puede acostumbrar por muy rutinario que sea
It's an honor when my friends use pics I've taken for their online profiles
I'm glad they like them :D
The best part is springing back like a fucking rubber band
You hit
I come back every time
And, why not