sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

I feel happy of myself

Este nene acaba de aprender a manejar bicicleta y tiene un speech motivacional para los demás niños del mundo:

Kid: I feel — I feel...

Dad: Do you feel alive?

Kid: I feel — I feel happy of myself!

Dad: I feel happy of yourself too. You got any words of wisdom? What about for all the other kids, trying to learn how to ride their bikes? Can you say anything to them?

Kid: Everybody!

I know you can believe in yourself.

If you believe in yourself, you will know how to ride a bike!

If you don't, you just keep practicing.

You will get the hang of it, I know it!

If you — If you keep practicing, you will get the hang of it, and then you can get better and better at it, if you get — if you do it!

Dad: Gimme some thumbs-up.

Kid: Thumbs up everybody...

Dad: Alright!

Kid: ... for Rock and Roll!

* * *

Este video es tan genial, que hasta le hicieron canción:

Yes... de qué nos estamos perdiendo?