lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Bridesmaids - Megan

Lillian: And this is Dougie's sister, Megan.

Megan: Hey.

Annie: Hi.

Lillian: My grandma is not supposed to have wine... I'll be right back.

Annie: Hey. How is it going?

Megan: It's going great, it's going great. I'm on the mend. You know, I just got some pins in my legs, believe it or not, pins in my legs. I can still do this. Right?

*makes a little weird dance*

Megan: I fell off a cruise ship, but I'm back.

Annie: Oh, shit.

Megan: Yeah, "Oh, shit." Yeah, "Oh, shit." Took a hard, hard, violent fall. Kind of pinballed down. Hit a lot of railings, broke a lot of shit. I'm not going to say I survived, I'm going to say I thrived. I met a dolphin down there. And I swear to God, that dolphin looked not at me, but into my soul, into my goddamn soul, Annie. And he said, "I'm saving you, Megan." ... not with his mouth, but he said it... I'm assuming, telepathically. We had a connection that I don't even know if I can... oh Jesus…

*makes garbled sounds, realizing she's talking too much*

Megan: Hey, shut my mouth. Look at... unbelievable.

*to a black man standing next to Annie*

Megan: You must be Annie's fella. I'm Megan. It's a pleasure.

Annie: He's not... I'm not... He's not... I'm not with him.

Megan: Sorry. All right. I'm glad he's single, because I'm going to climb that like a tree.

* * *

Megan es lo más cool sobre la faz de la tierra. Está loca (en realidad todas las mujeres en esa película lo están) es despistada y cuando está emocionada conversando repite dos veces algunas frases. (Es curioso cómo al transcribir los diálogos te vas familiarizando con los personajes y los vas comprendiendo). Todos sus intervenciones en la película son... anormales y es fascinante, la verdad. Yo quiero tener una amiga así.
